Sintia Lincar
2 min readJun 10, 2021


I’ve been reading all these books about imagining something that you want to accomplish and because imagining yourself there you will actually do it.

That sounds really easy to do, but then this book I am reading says that to accomplish something you need to have 6 steps written down so you can see clearly what you have to do. I’d say it’s still very easy to do this.

But, what scares me to not do it, is the fact that I never know what I truly want. Sometimes I want to have enough money to not have to work anymore, then the next second I’m fine without it.

What I find hard to seek within myself is what do I truly desire? Am I the only one who woke up this morning wanting to be a CEO without any idea how to be one, and then a few hours later I didn’t want to be anymore. How do you persevere this state of wanting something to the point of desiring it, obsessing over it and then actually having it?

This book is really well written in my opinion, but I don’t know what I want. Is there like a user’s manual on how to know for sure what do people want? How can we keep ourselves motivated enough to want the same thing?

For a longer period of time I imagined myself writing about something that I like and can make a living out of it. I got this idea from having 4 completed journals with all my experiences which I never re-read.

So how do I make this a reality given the fact that I am at my current job right now? Another thing that I truly desire but don’t know all the steps to it would be the fact that I want to do something I love, with passion so great that it doesn’t even feel like work.

Does anyone know the recipe for a concoction which keeps you desiring the same thing, obsessing over it and imagining yourself having until you really do have it?

